Michael J Fox and Muhammad Ali - True Hero's Forever!!
Michael J. Fox and Muhammad Ali May look like different people but there facing the same issue ( Parkinsons Disease) They both are good friends who are not giving up on the hope for the cure. I can tell there good friends and they build each other up in some ways. you should see this video it is very encouraging, With Michael and Ali making a team Fox commercial it is very moving. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pOhBtTYfSE4
Michael and Ali are very nice people, I never met them but I can tell by there warming personality. Michael has taught me to never give up even when life wants to tear you down. I really like these pictures because it shows two different people that are alike in some ways and how they are coping with this disease, Ali is African American and Michael is Canadian but they both have courage and there true optimists. Michael is my hero and forever will be. I have faith in Ali and Michael and many others who are facing this same issue.